Infrastructure and Rural Finance Support Programme
In a letter dated 1 July 2013, the Government of Armenia requested IFAD to finance a new Programme in Armenia. Following this request, IFAD fielded an inception mission in Armenia from 29 July-11 August 2013, which identified the broad scope of a Programme that could be introduced into the IFAD pipeline for Armenia. The IFAD mission prepared a concept note for the Programme, which was validated with GOA in a wrap up meeting attended by representatives from the Ministries of Agriculture, Finance, Nature, Territorial Development and the PIU on 24th September 2013, and approved by IFAD in October for further processing. The Programme was called the Infrastructure and Rural Finance Support Programme
Specific objectives of the proposed programme are: (i) increased efficiency of small scale farming, post production processes and transition by smallholders to growing high value cash crops; (ii) creation of strong linkages to poor rural smallholders to enhance their improved access to domestic and international markets and employment opportunities along the value chain; and (iii) enhanced farmer awareness and empowerment through capacity building (training) improved access to capital (credit) and improved technological packages (extension services).
The tentative Programme design envisaged by the identification mission involved three main components: (i) support for Rural Finance by providing for improved access to appropriate financial services to rural small-scale producers and SMEs; (ii) upgrading selected rural infrastructure such as irrigation facilities, rural access roads and other facilities that complement and strengthen Program investments and improve the quality of life in the rural areas; (iii) Improve farmer awareness and support for farmers by training and developing their capacity to fully capitalize on the opportunities offered by the infrastructure and rural finance components.
Sustainable Land Management for Increased Productivity Programme in Armenia (IFAD/GEF)
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in cooperation with Global Environmental Facility (GEF) will jointly implement Sustainable Land Management for Increased Productivity Programme in Armenia. The Programme will be implemented in 3 marzes of the Republic. The total cost of Programme is 4.3 mln USD.